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Blog development series - Backup Ghost Blog with Storj

Blog development series - 
Backup Ghost Blog with Storj
TLDR; This is a series of post-recording & sharing the progress setup of my blog from the beginning of development to meet the needs for stable and reliable blog operation


I. Context

This blog is a simple monolithic application deployed with docker & managed by docker-compose running 2 containers: Ghost 5.3 & Mysql 8.0 as the diagram bellow

Ghost Blog deployment use docker without backup

Why we need backup the data?

The world is divided into 2 types of people, one who has backed up the data and the other who will the backup data

Data backup is an important and urgent task that any data system must have to ensure that we have the opportunity to preserve our data in the event of any failure. happen (hacked, ransomware, hardware-corrupted, human mistake, ...)

II. Backup Ghost blog using Bash script and Storj

Why Storj?

  • I want to use Storj DCS as a storage solution for backup tool so that I can test the effectiveness of Storj DCS by myself and I am also a Storj Node Operator so I want to have the most complete view from both sides users and node operator.
  • If you don't want to use Storj, you can choose any remote source that Rclone support: S3, S3 compatible solution ( MINIO, Filebase), Google Drive, check more at: https://rclone.org/overview/

Why Bash?

  • Just Simple, Bash is the glue to connect everything & it a great tool for interactive in command line environment

What should I backup?

Backup ghost blog with Storj and bash script

Two things:

  • Ghost content /content: which includes my blog content in JSON, member CSV export, images, themes and some configurations
  • Database: major blog database,
  • (Optional) Application Versioning, docker-compose file

Overview step to backup:

  • Register an account & setup new bucket on Storj
  • Install some requirements tool: Rclone, Restic
  • Setup Restic repo to work with Rclone and Storj
  • Implement backup script
  •  Copy & Zip Ghost Blog Content
  •  Export Database to sql or sql.gz file
  •  Backup content to remote destination with Restic & Reclone
  • Setup Schedule for automation Backup
  • Prepare recovery Plan & rehearsal for restoration

III. How to setup backup use Storj and Bash script

Step 1. Create an account & setup new bucket on Storj

First one, register new account on Storj and create new bucket to storage backup content.

Register new account: https://www.storj.io/

Currently, Storj is free 150GB for each account after register ( 3 project & 50GB for each project). It enough for me to storage backup data right now.

Register new Storj account
Starting with web browser

Create new S3 Credential:

Storj DCS provide a S3 compatible Gateway MT to help us use it with S3 Interface, so we'll create a new Credentials and setup Rclone to use it.

For detail: https://docs.storj.io/dcs/api-reference/s3-compatible-gateway

Setup new Storj S3 Credentials

The important note here is: write down & storage your passphrase carefully, if you lost it, you may lose your data permanently because the data you upload on Storj will be encrypt & spit to small piece before distribution one storage nodes ( read more at: How Storj Works)

Step 2: Install requirements tools

Install Rlone & Restic

For Ubuntu based:

sudo apt install -y rclone restic

For Linux Distro, please check:

Step 3: Setup Restic repo to work with Rclone and Storj

Config Rclone sync files to Storj bucket

For shortcut: create new rclone config and put it in: $HOME/config/rclone/rclone.conf with the content bellow

type = s3
provider = Other
env_auth = false
access_key_id = <s3-credential-access-key-created-in-step-1>
secret_access_key = <s3-credential-secret-access-key-created-in-step-1>
endpoint = https://gateway.storjshare.io
acl = private
chunk_size = 64M
Rclone's conguration sync file with Storj Bucket

For detail guide:  https://docs.storj.io/dcs/how-tos/sync-files-with-rclone/rclone-with-hosted-gateway

Init new Storj Bucket with rclone

rclone mkdir storj:my-backup-bucket

Init Restic Repo

# Init Restic repo
restic --repo rclone:storj:my-backup-bucket/blog-backup init

For detail guide: https://docs.storj.io/dcs/how-tos/backup-with-restic

Step 4. Implement the backup script

  1. Create a folder and import application environment into current shell

This just a temporary folder to collect everything before store it into Storj Bucket

# Create temporary folder
DAY=$(date +%A)
FULLDATE=$(date -I)
# Create temporary backup directory
mkdir -p $BACKUP_DIR

Import current .env config: this will help we load all current configuration ( database username, password, database name) into the current shell.

# Import current .env config
. .env

2. Copy & Zip Ghost Blog Content

Go to blog deployment repository then archive the ghost folder, it contain all most important information of our blog

tar -zcvf $BACKUP_DIR/ghost-content.tar.gz ghost

3. Export Database to sql or sql.gz file

General command to export database from a Mysql container:

docker exec <mysql-containername> /usr/bin/mysqldump --no-tablespaces -u <db-user> --password=<db-password> <ghost-blog-database-name> > $BACKUP_DIR/blog-db.sql

In case that the setup following my blog development series, the variable is loaded from .env file, so we can use this command with pre-fill enough information

docker exec blog_database /usr/bin/mysqldump --no-tablespaces -u $database__connection__user --password=$database__connection__password $database__connection__database > $BACKUP_DIR/blog-db.sql

4. Backup docker-compose  & .env file

(Optional) In case that the setup following my blog development series

cp docker-compose.yml $BACKUP_DIR/
cp .env $BACKUP_DIR/env

5. Backup content to remote destination with Restic & Rclone

General command:

restic --repo rclone:<s3-compatible-config-name>:<bucket><folder> backup $BACKUP_DIR

In case that the setup following my blog development series

  • Make sure that RESTIC_BACKUP_REPO & RESTIC_PASSWORD_FILE declared on .env file
  • Create a file at the path $RESTIC_PASSWORD_FILE and put the Restic repo password into that file
  • Run the command bellow to backup
restic --password-file=$RESTIC_PASSWORD_FILE --repo $RESTIC_BACKUP_REPO backup $BACKUP_DIR

6.  Wrap-up into bash script

set -e

echo "#########################################################################"
echo "# BACKUP GHOST BLOG - `date +%A` - `date +%Y-%m-%d_%Hh%Mm%Ss`          #"
echo "#########################################################################"

# Import application configuration
. ../.env

# Declare variables
DAY=$(date +%A)
FULLDATE=$(date -I)
# Create temporary backup directory
mkdir -p $BACKUP_DIR

# Extract Mysql Database
# https://anothercoffee.net/how-to-fix-the-mysqldump-access-denied-process-privilege-error/
echo "Backing up database "
docker exec blog_database /usr/bin/mysqldump --no-tablespaces -u $database__connection__user --password=$database__connection__password $database__connection__database > $BACKUP_DIR/blog-db.sql

# Copy Ghost Blog Content Driectory
echo "Backing up Ghost Data directory..."
tar -zcvf $BACKUP_DIR/ghost-content.tar.gz ../ghost

# Copy docker-compose & application configuration
echo "Backing docker-compose & application configuration..."
cp ../docker-compose.yml $BACKUP_DIR/
cp ../.env $BACKUP_DIR/env

# Backup data to  Storj bucket
echo "Backing data to Storj bucket"
restic --password-file=$RESTIC_PASSWORD_FILE --repo $RESTIC_BACKUP_REPO backup $BACKUP_DIR
# Clean up temporary forder
rm -rvf $BACKUP_DIR

echo "Backup completed"

7.  Verify backup status

restic --repo $RESTIC_BACKUP_REPO snapshots
enter password for repository:
repository a5cf4e77 opened successfully, password is correct
ID        Time                 Host                   Tags        Paths
cb5c1de7  2022-12-13 08:48:34  4aqz.l.vinguyen.blog              /tmp/backup/blog-backup-2022-12-13
1 snapshots
  • Your can login into the Storj Dashboard and login into the bucket with the passphase created in Step 1 to view the file uploaded to Storj Bucket

Step 5: Setup Schedule for automation Backup

Input new rule in crontab to schedule run the backup script.

5 1 * * * <path/to/backup.sh/file 2>&1

Step 6. Prepare recovery Plan & Rehearsal for restoration

In-case that we need to restore from backup, follow Step 2 and Step 3 to install rclone, restic, then config the rclone with S3

type = s3
provider = Other
env_auth = false
access_key_id = <s3-credential-access-key-created-in-step-1>
secret_access_key = <s3-credential-secret-access-key-created-in-step-1>
endpoint = https://gateway.storjshare.io
acl = private
chunk_size = 64M

then run the restore.sh script

Restore script

set -e

echo "#########################################################################"
echo "# RESTORE GHOST BLOG - `date +%A` - `date +%Y-%m-%d_%Hh%Mm%Ss`          #"
echo "#########################################################################"

read -p "Restore directory ( default: ./restore): " INPUT_RESTORE_DIRECTORY
read -p "Restic repository name ( rclone:<S3-bucket-compatibility>:<directory>): " INPUT_RESTIC_BACKUP_REPO

if [[ -z "$INPUT_RESTIC_BACKUP_REPO" ]]; then
   printf '%s\n' "Restic repository name is required"
   exit 1


echo "Thanks for input, Restoring the latest backup from $RESTIC_BACKUP_REPO into $RESTORE_DIRECTORY ..."
restic --repo $RESTIC_BACKUP_REPO restore latest --target $RESTORE_DIRECTORY

echo "Re-create running environment"
mv -f $RESTORE_DIRECTORY/tmp/backup/blog-backup-*/* $RESTORE_DIRECTORY
tar -xvf ghost-content.tar.gz .
docker-compose up -d
sleep 20 # Waiting for application boot
. .env
cat blog-db.sql.sql | docker exec -i blog_database /usr/bin/mysql -u $database__connection__user --password=$database__connection__password $database__connection__database

echo "Restore completed, please check your blog up and run at: http://localhost:$PUBLIC_PORT"


  • With this approach, your blog data is safe and recoveriable.
  • Three things need to save at the safe place to make sure that you restore the data
  • 1) Storj S3 Credential
  • 2) Storj S3  Passphase
  • 3)  Restic Repo Password

On the next post, I'll do some improvement to help us monitor schedule ( crontab) and a backup policy to help us maintain the versioning of backup better